Dear valued customer,

We hope you had a wonderful summer and are ready for a busy autumn.

The OCTOBER 2015 Points of Interest update is now available.
We now have an incredible 36,579 Points.

For confirmation that you have successfully updated your Cabbie’s Mate
please search the A-Z poi database for: Hilton Bankside - Gt Suffolk Street

Click here for information on how to update 5 and 7 devices
A quick reminder: 2015-16 A-Z maps are now available for all Cabbie’s Mate devices as well as on iOS and Android apps.
Advice on Phone or Tablet Preference for Cabbie’s Mate A-Z app
If you are going to purchase a device our recommendation would be an iOS device such as the iPhone 6 plus or the iPad. We are better placed to recommend our iOS App as there is only one manufacturer which is Apple and less versions of the operating system to work with. We know that our App works well on iOS. You will need to have a 3G (cellular) iPad for the app to work accurately; you will not need a 3G sim.

Unfortunately we cannot recommend a specific Android device as there are over 18,000 distinct Android devices on the market, device brands and models vary making it difficult for us to predict and recommend which devices and operating systems will be compatible with our app.

Click here for more information...
Support for Cabbie’s Mate units and app
(very important announcement)

We are in the process of moving our support staff to City Point, Ropemaker Street in the new year. We will inform you all in our December newsletter. We are now moving towards online support. You will no longer be able to turn up at our Aldwych office, this is now STRICTLY a drop off and collection point, emergency appointments can be made by phone. Software issues will be resolved via the use of download codes.

Due to this move our support staff will not always be on hand provide face to face support however it has come to our attention that much of the support provided can be resolved online or remotely by yourself. Please always check our Frequently Asked Question pages first before contacting our team, nearly all issues can be resolved online or by the use of a code. We no longer perform updates as these can be done at home or at J V Brights. For a device inspection or operating system update the set fee is £20, should your device require physical repair this will be included in the repair fee and will not be additional. No repairs or updates will be performed while you wait, you will need to leave your Cabbie’s Mate with us and return for collection once it is ready.

Once the support staff have moved back to City Point, due to restrictions placed on us by the building managers, we are not able to have frequent visits to the building. Therefore, there will NOT be face to face and phone support. If you turn up without an appointment you WILL NOT BE SEEN. Consulting the trouble shooting and previously asked question will almost certainly resolve your issue without the need for an appointment. Everything you need to know is on this document which will help you resolve any problem. Support will only be available online. There will be a new drop off and collection point for repairs which will be at JVBrights; the parts shop in Gt Suffolk Street by the canteen.

We are taking all necessary steps to provide updates and fixes for any software issue for our 5” and 7” devices online to avoid a visit to our support office.

iOS and Android App Support is online only.
Frequently asked Questions for 4.3”, 5”, 7” devices,
iOS and Android apps

There is much useful information which will save you time and inconvenience on our website. Before you contact us for help please have a look at the relevant link. It is very likely the answer to your question is there. If you cannot resolve the issue, then please contact us via e mail. Please print and keep in your cab to assist you if you encounter any issue with the device or software.
With the improving British economy, new restaurants, hotels and bars are opening all the time, with many also changing ownership and names, don’t get caught out on the rank! Make sure your Cabbie’s Mate is up to date. We strongly advise you download the latest points now.
For continuous Updates and Information please follow us:
If you do not have internet connection or a PC and would like help downloading updates please go to our agent J V Brights at 47/51 Gt Suffolk St.SE1 0BS. They will charge a small fee of £5 to perform the update.
The team wishes you a busy autumn!
Copyright © 2015 Knowledge Master UK Ltd., All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
Knowledge Master UK Ltd, City Point, 1 Ropemaker Street, London, EC2Y 9HT
Tel: 020 7242 3014 - Email: info@navigationmaster.com

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